Singing Guide: Nia Peeples

Singing Guide: Nia Peeples

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Nia Peeples is an American actress, and singer who first gained popularity in the late 1980s. Her biggest hits are "Trouble" and "Street Of Dreams". Peeples's music is characterized by her soulful voice, which is uniquely expressive and emotive.

To sing like Nia Peeples, you should start by practicing your breath control, which is key to developing a soulful and expressive singing style. Additionally, Peeples is known for her excellent range, so it's important to work on expanding your own range as well.

One of the practical ways to improve your singing voice is to take Singing Carrots' Pitch Accuracy Test. The test is a quick and easy way to get feedback on your tuning and pitch accuracy. Similarly, Vocal Pitch Monitor is a helpful tool to monitor the exact frequency of the notes you sing and help you to achieve the desired pitch.

When it comes to singing techniques, Nia Peeples uses a mix of techniques from various genres such as blues, jazz, and gospel music. Singers trying to emulate her style should focus on developing a more raw and emotive vocal delivery, incorporating techniques like growling and belting.

The Singing Carrots' Pitch Training program offers interactive vocal warm-ups, pitch visualization tools, and exercises for developing range and agility, all of which can be useful in building the power and expressiveness of your vocals. The course also covers different contemporary vocal techniques such as Heavy Modal, Twang, and Belting which can be helpful when trying to recreate Peeples's unique sound.

To improve your performance, Singing Carrots also offers a Song Search tool that allows you to find songs matching your vocal range, difficulty level, and genre preference. By finding songs that suit your vocal type, you can build up your vocal repertoire and practice your vocal techniques.

In conclusion, to sing like Nia Peeples, it is important to practice your breath control and improve your vocal range. Furthermore, you should focus on developing a raw and emotive vocal delivery, incorporating techniques like growling and belting. Singing Carrots provides a variety of resources, including Pitch Accuracy Test, Vocal Pitch Monitor, Pitch Training, and Song Search that can help you develop and refine your singing skills.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.